Kuala Lumpur
3 - 5 June 2026

Visitor's Profile

  • Academics and Researcher
  • Airport & Port Infrastructure & Development
  • Air-conditioning, Refrigeration, Ventilation
  • Architecture
  • Architects
  • Automotive
  • Bankers and Investors
  • Building & Construction
  • Building Owner
  • Building Service Company
  • Building Service and Maintenance
  • Building / Civil Engineering
  • Buyers and Procurement Officers
  • Chemical / Gas / Oil / Petrochemical
  • Clean Room Equipment
  • Consultant
  • Contractors & Installers
  • Developers
  • Distributors, Agents, Wholesalers
  • Electrical & Electronics
  • Electrical Contractor
  • Electrical / Electronic Engineering
  • Electrical Engineers
  • Electrical Equipment Manufacturers
  • Electrical Utilities
  • Equipment Company
  • Equipment Suppliers
  • Food & Agriculture
  • Food and Beverages
  • Future Decision-makers
  • Government Agencies
  • Government Policymakers
  • Home Managers
  • Hospital / Healthcare Industry
  • Hotel / Restaurant
  • HVACR Industry Professionals
  • Importer / Distributor / Trader
  • Independent Power Producer
  • Maintenance / Repair
    Manufacturers and
  • Producers / OEM
  • Mechanical Engineers
  • Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
  • Ministry / Government
  • NPO/NGO Environmental Groups
  • Offshore, Marine, Water Industry, Oil and Gas
  • Power / Utilities
  • Project Specifiers
  • Professionals
  • Project Specifier
  • Property Developer / Development
  • R&D Professionals
  • Supermarket / Departmental Stores / Retailer
  • Suppliers
  • Technical Leaders
  • Technical Building
  • Traders
  • Transmission Company
  • Transportation
  • Government Agencies
  • Government Policymakers
  • Home Managers
  • Hospital / Healthcare Industry
  • Hotel / Restaurant
  • HVACR Industry Professionals
  • Importer / Distributor / Trader
  • Independent Power Producer
  • Maintenance / Repair Manufacturers and Producers / OEM
  • Mechanical Engineers
  • Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
  • Ministry / Government
  • NPO/NGO Environmental Groups
  • Offshore, Marine, Water Industry, Oil and Gas
  • Power / Utilities
  • Project Specifiers
  • Professionals
  • Project Specifier
  • Property Developer / Development
  • R&D Professionals
  • Supermarket / Departmental Stores / Retailer
  • Suppliers
  • Technical Leaders
  • Technical Building
  • Traders
  • Transmission Company
  • Transportation